Recommendation for Laptop ? (in Off-topic)

TrueDevil [AAA] July 12 2006 9:37 AM EDT

I'm planning to buy a new laptop, and I'm having a hard time to decide which one to buy, and what brand ? My budget is only around 900-1050 usd, 1100 is probably the maximum. Any recommendations or maybe there's a good website that reviews these laptops ? I've been to some websites and their top 10 laptops seems to vary so much, so I'm kinda confused.

bartjan July 12 2006 9:47 AM EDT

What do you want from a laptop?

TrueDevil [AAA] July 12 2006 10:11 AM EDT

Basically just good enough for using basic application, photoshop, macromedia stuff, and can handle dvd movies + HQ avi and wmv files.

bartjan July 12 2006 10:15 AM EDT

Duh. I meant, what type of laptop do you need?

Ultra portable, long battery life, or just a movable desktop replacement?

TrueDevil [AAA] July 12 2006 10:32 AM EDT

That doesn't really matter actually, but an ultra portable would be nice.
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