Blacksmith question (in General)

QBJohnnywas July 19 2006 9:57 AM EDT

I'm showing no transfers to the blacksmith. Do weapon upgrades not get shown since the changes? Did they ever?

Tezmac July 19 2006 10:12 AM EDT

I'm pretty sure Jon made weapons damage upgrades instant like ammo used to be.

QBJohnnywas July 19 2006 10:14 AM EDT

They are instant. That means they won't show as transfers then?

bartjan July 19 2006 10:28 AM EDT

Blacksmith upgrades never were visible.

QBJohnnywas July 19 2006 10:33 AM EDT

I beg to differ - I've got an upgrade visible on the 30th June....

QBJohnnywas July 19 2006 10:35 AM EDT

Ah, but is that my fee to the blacksmith for the forge?

bartjan July 19 2006 11:11 AM EDT

most likely
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