anyone playing UO? (in Off-topic)

velvetpickle August 8 2006 10:26 AM EDT

I am getting ready to sell my UO account on Atlantic Shard, and was wondering if anyone on CB would want it before I take he time to set up an Ebay account.

I have a GM macer with very high anatomy/tactics (legendary?) He was Legendary fencing but I dropped it of macing. I have a multitude of rare/arty weapons and armor for him, as well as UBER slayer weapons for fencing.

I also have a GM+tamer /GM mage. I have a White Wyrm, nightmare, greater hiyru and AWESOME near base rune beetle.

I also have a legendary smith/tailor, with tons of reward items, and a decent stash of leather and ingots.

A fairly large house in fel is also included. I haven't played in months so I couldn't begin to say how much storage. I know fel isn't prefered, but it was the only place I could find room for a large enough house. I have never been PK'd near the house, even with my smith/tailor running around quite frequently.

If anyone is interested, let me know and I will get you more details. IF you re currently playing I will meet you to show you the house, and some of the stuff.
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