Zap/Raptor Deal. (in Public Record)

Zacharia Andrew Pa!n August 10 2006 1:04 AM EDT

Raptor has agreed to pay 5.25 mil to upgrade his ToA to my ToE approx lvls are 100 and 480k respectivly. He will do this through a series of weekly payment to me. Also as a side note if he does decide he wants it to be a ToA then he will have the right to withdrawl 400k from the cost to have it changed to a ToA.

RaptorX August 10 2006 1:06 AM EDT

Ok It's a deal. Insta me please, and I will pay you back each week.

RaptorX August 10 2006 11:21 PM EDT

I changed the Tattoo to ToA, so I guess that is 400k paid.

RaptorX August 13 2006 8:08 PM EDT

I paid 100,000 last week and will pay 500k today so I am paid up till next week.

RaptorX August 18 2006 2:02 AM EDT

I will pay another 500k today - so that gets me paid ahead for next week.

RaptorX August 21 2006 9:56 PM EDT

500k payed today - so i am a week and a half ahead and have 2 million of the 5.25 payed

RaptorX August 22 2006 8:36 PM EDT

Here is another payment of 500k. I'm 2 weeks ahead now - but still owe 2.25 mill

RaptorX August 23 2006 12:53 AM EDT

paid 750k today - so have 1.5 mill left to pay. I guess I should double check the numbers again.

RaptorX August 23 2006 1:01 AM EDT

oops math was off -- I still owe 2 mil now.

RaptorX August 23 2006 1:42 AM EDT

I will pay 1 more mil today. (since I bought some CB$) 1 mill to go.

RaptorX August 29 2006 10:53 PM EDT

last mill. sent today.. so debt is paid. ZAP please respond to confirm this as soon as you can. Also let me know of the times you are available so you can finish the forging you owe me. Please!!

Zacharia Andrew Pa!n September 3 2006 4:32 AM EDT

let ya know the available times I could forge. and it seems the debt is settled.
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