EBS/BMWheatiey (in Public Record)

QBOddBird August 12 2006 12:04 AM EDT

He'll pay me 1 million on a payplan. Not sure what time period, just so long as he's being consistent, there's no reason for any interest or anything like that. Confirm here, EBS! =)

TheEverblacksky August 12 2006 12:05 AM EDT


QBOddBird August 15 2006 4:28 PM EDT

EBS (Solid) BMWheatIey (BlueWater) $250000 -- 750k left

Keeping track here, so I'll know what's what.

QBOddBird August 16 2006 12:21 AM EDT

EBS (Solid) BMWheatIey (BlueWater) $250000

500k to go!
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