Network problem. need help. (in Off-topic)

WeaponX August 13 2006 10:16 PM EDT

i have a PCX5000 router connecting 4 computers and an xbox 360 to the net. my 360 has issues with it's NAT setting. the setting is currently strict i need to set it to open. anybody know how i open the need ports?

bartjan August 14 2006 2:56 AM EDT

2 options (well, the 3rd one involves getting another router that isn't as brain dead ;)

- Put the xbox in the DMZ. Then it will have access to the full, unprotected, Internet. Why may or may not be a good thing, but at least all ports are open ;)

- Security->Allow. Here you can create rules for each port. Make sure you understand the difference between TCP and UDP when configuring the router.

WeaponX August 14 2006 9:03 AM EDT

how do i set it as a DMZ?

bartjan August 14 2006 9:18 AM EDT

According to the manual, that should be under 'Security'...

WeaponX August 14 2006 9:27 AM EDT

excuse me for being an idiot but is this on the router or am i supposed to do this through my computer? i have 0 experience at this.

bartjan August 14 2006 9:35 AM EDT

You do this on your router, not on the computer.

WeaponX August 14 2006 9:38 AM EDT


WeaponX August 14 2006 10:49 AM EDT

i did it through the computer hehe :).

monkeh August 21 2006 9:13 AM EDT

if any1 needs help in the future go to

they got a guide for pretty much every modem / router under the sun

WeaponX August 21 2006 9:17 AM EDT

except mine
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