CB a bit buggy today? (in General)

QBJohnnywas August 14 2006 5:04 AM EDT

Ok,firstly it might be at my end - I'm at work, where we have to use IE as our browser.

But I'm getting quite a few error messages. For instance I clicked 'train' a moment ago and instead of training happening I got a message saying something like 'that didn't work. There is probably a bug in your browser. Don't stress, just try again.'

But I had in the same run of fighting a message saying 'url not found' twice and when I first logged in a message saying 'email submitted but not required'.

There were others but I didn't really take much notice, just backed up a page and started again.

Like I said, it might just be me and IE. But I thought I'd post incase it's a problem.

Now, I'll get back onto my campaign of trying to persuade work to use FF.....

AdminG Beee August 14 2006 5:31 AM EDT

I switched over to IE to see if it was working ok for me and all is well - no problems.

QBJohnnywas August 14 2006 5:39 AM EDT

It's fine now. But I logged out, switched off the comp and went back in again.

Temporary glitch at my end no doubt....
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