Strat musings. (in General)

QBJohnnywas August 16 2006 7:51 AM EDT

Ok, I've been on a tweaking session. Following a couple of other people's strategy rethinks, where a minion turned out to have hardly any bearing on the outcome of their fights I started looking at my own team.

The Clash was TWEE, with PL on the wall and the two enchanters. The PL was laid out in such a way that the back enchanter was the first to absorb, then the second enchanter, then the wall. In this way the wall stayed alive until melee and was able to absorb damage taken by the tank.

Or so I thought. But then I started to wonder if the wall was actually making a difference. So I untrained the HP. Firstly I tried him out as a UC tank, a small mini tank for sure but another damage dealer. I looked at my battles closely, because one of the things that had come up with other peoples strats was that their second smaller damage dealer was actually having no impact in battle whatsoever. And true to that my little UC tank was useless. But also losing the wall made no difference to my fightlist. So, following that because my team is low on AC I've trained protection on him instead.

It's too small to really notice any difference yet, and I'm not sure if that's what I'm going to keep.

I like the four minion set up, especially where archers and FB/CoC teams are concerned, so ditching him entirely is not on my to do list. But I'm not sure what other options are worthwhile.

My tank is good enough that I don't need another damage dealer. A wall made no difference, and the AoI and change to MM make a lot of the old set ups worthless in terms of minion placing.

What else would be good for me? Is GA worth using with PL? Is it worth training a second AS, or does the way they stack make that a bit of a waste of XP?

My tank fairs very well against other tanks of the same size, so do I need to think about EC?

I'm a bit stumped really. I feel like I'm carrying an extra minion that's doing nothing. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

QBJohnnywas August 16 2006 7:58 AM EDT

Lets name names shall we? G Beee was the main inspiration behind this rethink!

QBJohnnywas August 16 2006 7:59 AM EDT

And as an aside, why isn't G Beee in the spellcheck?

QBJohnnywas August 16 2006 9:08 AM EDT

One small thing. My defending battles seem to be going for a longer duration. So maybe protection is doing something after all....

Ambidex August 16 2006 2:47 PM EDT

Don't really want to give advice to someone who farms me, but shouldn't make much difference in my case.

You could try making your strat Dispell magic neutral, or that DM will have little or no effect on it.
Haste > EC

QBJohnnywas August 16 2006 3:30 PM EDT

Currently I'm doing alright against DM teams. But it is something I'm thinking about for the future.

The main reason I have haste over EC is that it is cheaper from an XP point of view to achieve what I'm after. Raising the dex on all my team to lessen the amount of strikes other tanks can land. And increasing my tank's dex at the same time, raising his strike potentiality.

Which is kind of what EC would achieve, and yes that does come with the bonus of decreasing the opponents damage. But, it is only good against other tanks. Whereas haste works against all opponents where my tank is concerned.

Now back to farming you....!!!! :)
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