Multi? (in Public Record)

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] August 19 2006 1:25 PM EDT

The IP has two people on it,

Those two people have many IPs, but there has been a character xfer (recently) and other xfers, worth looking into i guess.

QBJohnnywas August 19 2006 1:50 PM EDT

Look a little closer Small. The other person on the receiving end of the xfer hasn't logged on since April....dunno what Ambidextrous was doing sending a tiny char to them? Mistake, test, moment of madness?

All the transfers back and forth were transfers between chars on one user not between multiple users.

bartjan August 19 2006 1:58 PM EDT

When looking for potential multis, please ignore IP as much as possible. Instead look at suspect behavior.

Have you checked the Character Transfer Log?
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