What If... (in General)

chappy [Soup Ream] September 2 2006 12:50 PM EDT

This is the carnage blender version :P What If ... the top ten highest score characters were dubbed clan captains and they could then pick 4-5 members from the field to be on their clan? Kind of like what happened in school back in the day .. Who would rule the land then?

Slashundhack [We Forge Our Own Stuff] September 2 2006 1:02 PM EDT

Probably rangers rangers ?

QBBarzooMonkey September 2 2006 1:02 PM EDT

So, we are pondering "What if CB was Dodge Ball?"...

I'd be in the pizza joint across the street from the school, skipping PE class like I did back then...


QBJohnnywas September 2 2006 1:16 PM EDT

I hated PE. Actually I hated school. When everyone else was running around a field in the rain I was one of the weird ones, hiding out in the art class, reading the X-Men and The Teen Titans, smoking the Art Teacher's cigarettes and listening to music that nobody had ever heard of...

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] September 2 2006 1:38 PM EDT

My guess is Bast's Bastion. ^.~
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