Kratos_Demi forging for Morthak, again (in Public Record)

[CB1]-Kratos(X.x) September 3 2006 5:38 AM EDT

Update : Whisper's Silence [6x326] (+43) 4,406,903

from $3,645,399, that's a $761,504 increase.

At 65%, so far you'll owe me $494,977, and with the $400k installment in the first place, that'll be $95k so far ^_^

Yay me ^_^

[CB1]-Kratos(X.x) September 3 2006 8:05 PM EDT

Update : Whisper's Silence [6x334] (+43) 4,469,291

sorry about switching the post over here...forging services wouldn't let me because apparently i was trying to post an "insta-upgrade," which belongs in FS/WTB, lol.

[CB1]-Kratos(X.x) September 4 2006 7:14 AM EDT

Update : Whisper's Silence [6x346] (+43) 4,562,872

$155,969 further NW increase.

another $101,380 payment, rounded down to 101k, since i rounded the last one up.

196k = payment due (so far)

[CB1]-Kratos(X.x) September 4 2006 10:40 AM EDT

Update : Whisper's Silence [6x350] (+43) 4,594,066

Just wondering if you're satisfied with this or not. I'll continue forging until i see a response telling me to stop. So far, I've added $939,667 to the NW, at 65%, it'll be a $610,783 payment, minus the 400k installment to cover fees.

$210,783 is the remaining payment due.

[CB1]-Kratos(X.x) September 4 2006 8:06 PM EDT

Update : Whisper's Silence [6x360] (+43) 4,672,050

4,672,050 - 3,645,399 = 1,026,651

1,026,651 * .65 = 667,323

667,323 - 400,000 = 267,323

hopefully, with how many times i've posted my math, you should know what everything means ^_^. If not, CM me, thanks.

Payment Due so far $267,323

[CB1]-Kratos(X.x) September 6 2006 12:25 AM EDT

alright, the forging is done, I've forged it up one more point, but I'll ignore it. I believe it was at x361 +43 when it was sent back, so I'll just ask for the payment i already have.
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