SirWoot/Velvet deal (in Public Record)

velvetpickle September 14 2006 9:33 PM EDT

I am sending Sir Woot An Enforcer's Crossbow [4x52] (+29). In return he will pay me $750,000. He is sending the bulk tonight, and the remainder (about $80k) by Sunday evening. If he hasn't paid the balance by Sun. midnight, I will charge 5% interest on the balance, and 5% weekly.

Sir Woot September 14 2006 9:34 PM EDT


velvetpickle September 14 2006 9:44 PM EDT

(valenvail) Sir Woot (Ward_Cleaver) An Enforcer's Crossbow ($1154244) -- thanks again

Sir Woot (Ward_Cleaver) velvetdotson-de-muerte
(valenvail) $670000 -- for exbow

80k remains

Sir Woot September 15 2006 7:06 PM EDT

Sir Woot (Ward_Cleaver) velvetdotson-de-muerte
(valenvail) $80000 -- final payment 7:06 PM EDT
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