Raise the max bid increment (in General)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] September 16 2006 11:50 PM EDT

50k isn't high enough to deal with the silliness of bidders these days, 200k seems like a much more reasonable amount, even 500k would be usable for larger items.

chuck1234 September 17 2006 12:00 AM EDT

there's always the option of raising one's bid any amount. You merely enter the higher figure... imo, silliness cuts both ways. . . .

QBOddBird September 17 2006 12:06 AM EDT

Chuck, he's talking from the seller's point of view.

chuck1234 September 17 2006 12:15 AM EDT

sorry, i didn't quite get it at first, but there's the option of setting the minimum bid high enough, but that too cut's both ways, set it high and nobody will bid, set it low, you are back at square one...hmmm, maybe nov is right after all :)

QBsutekh137 September 17 2006 12:19 AM EDT

novice, asking for a higher default bid increment? Make it enforced by the minimum bid, like a fact of 1/50th? I can see what you mean...
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