Newbie love (in Contests)

TheKing September 22 2006 3:06 PM EDT

Feeling generous. If you've only been playing cb for a few weeks then cm me a good reason in the next hour or two and maybe I'll send you some free shwag.

Slashundhack [We Forge Our Own Stuff] September 23 2006 1:22 AM EDT

Hey I'm still on my nub till Oct. not really what you were talking about but at least I read your thread.It was about 2 months before I started started reading these things

TheKing September 25 2006 6:44 PM EDT

Not too much interest. A few cm's with pretty weak answers. "Because you made a contest telling us to CM you... maybe not good enough :( " I wasn't sure weather to laugh or cry at that one... . Did at least get one decent answer though. Contest closed.
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