A way to judge how weapon NW affects PR? (in General)

QBJohnnywas September 26 2006 3:55 AM EDT

My Morg, 14 mill NW. If I started a base char, when would I be able to equip it
to fall under weapon allowance? Is there some sort of formula?

bartjan September 26 2006 3:56 AM EDT

Weapon NW allowance is 1.5 of all your XP.

QBJohnnywas September 26 2006 3:57 AM EDT


bartjan September 26 2006 4:03 AM EDT

It also may be 2/3 of your XP, the value listed in the Wiki.

AdminNightStrike September 26 2006 4:15 AM EDT

Ignore that line. In the same section in the Wiki, there are links to two threads that are actually accurate, as opposed to the 2/3 number.

AdminNightStrike September 26 2006 4:19 AM EDT

To make it easier for you, here:

Weapon PR = 0.4096 * (Weapon NW)^0.8026

Plug in 14m to that, and you're left with 222,763 (rounding up to the nearest integer, as the CB standard is.) That means that your Morg will add zero PR at an MPR of 222,763. This is still off, but it's FAR more accurate than calculating 2/3 of your total XP.

Flamey September 26 2006 4:37 AM EDT

2/3 * total xp + total xp = WA

that is approximate and easy to understand. that is, using fexy's numbers on the train screen, its within the mil, close enough :P

QBJohnnywas September 26 2006 5:09 AM EDT

Ok thanks for the further clarification!

That's a pretty small MPR to equip a weapon that's the number 20 of it's class. Especially as most of that NW is in the X.....

Oh well..cool, looks like I wouldn't have to wait too long before I could use it again if I started an NCB....

QBJohnnywas September 26 2006 5:21 AM EDT

I must remember to look in the Wiki, and more importantly, remember what I read when I look there. I'd ploughed through Roy7's posts when I was running my last UC guy. Must be getting old....

AdminNightStrike September 26 2006 10:26 AM EDT

Flamey, if you're using the grease monkey script, not only is the WA calculation on the train page WAY off, but the total XP is not even close. I CM'd him and told him, but I don't think he fixed it. Roy7's formula is accurate, easy, and deals with numbers that the game provides (NW and MPR).

As a note, JW, I'm not sure if WA deals with MPR or VPR, so I just train all before calculating it.

bartjan September 26 2006 10:53 AM EDT

WA deals with XP, not *PR.

QBJohnnywas September 26 2006 10:59 AM EDT

No problem with VPR on my team Nightstrike, I can't leave xp untrained. It's a compulsion!!!!

AdminNightStrike September 26 2006 12:50 PM EDT

Yes, bart, but MPR is a function of XP. The fact is, roy7's numbers work. Your other method, despite being advertised by Jon, gives a result that's WAY below what it could be.
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