Value of Explosive Shots? (in General)

Tyriel [123456789] September 28 2006 1:06 AM EDT

I finally have enough to auction them, but with nobody buying or selling any (except for those wonderfully happy campers!), I'd like some opinions on how much you'd all buy them for.

I have 6,502 right now. I'm not looking to sell these right away, just get a price estimate. Just to make sure I don't get that penalty for not posting in FS/WTB when I'm really just asking what people would value them at.

deifeln September 28 2006 1:14 AM EDT

Ummmmm....make a FS/WTB post and have people CM you. Oh wait, now people will CM you with prices for free.

/me sees a fine coming.

In the future, check recent auctions for what they're worth.

Flamey September 28 2006 1:37 AM EDT

when i've picked some up, i say "PM me if you want some ex. shots" but only once and i'll usually get a PM. basically they sell for 3 a piece.

and i got a few customers so i just have to PM them :) easy as pie.

QBJohnnywas September 28 2006 2:50 AM EDT

I give them away after I find them in the store. Ooops did I say that out loud?
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