Specks Spot Recruiting Members (in General)

Speckix [Speck's Spot] October 6 2006 8:25 PM EDT

I'm the owner of the Standard Clan Specks Spot, and I'm looking for members that will put forth a positive net score, preferably a decent one to keep us in the top 5 or so. I've just started fighting exclusively for CPs now, so I've put up 4,000 a day when buying all my BA, which I'm now doing. If you're interested, it wouldn't take much to stay in the top 5 at over 13.5% bonus. So, apply, and we'll see how it works out. Thanks.

Speckix [Speck's Spot] October 6 2006 8:26 PM EDT

Also...a member just left, so we're taking a slight penalty for 24 hours that puts us lower than would normally be. :P
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