kx5/The Death Company deal (in Public Record)

kx5 [The Lotus Cross] October 8 2006 3:30 PM EDT

We are going to trade RoS for a few days. I'm going to level about 16,000 levels(for a total of RoS level 100,000) while he levels up mine for however much.

The Death Company [...] October 8 2006 4:44 PM EDT

sort of, but already agreed to and sent XD
(his has gone on a farm ive loaned him mine free/for transfer cost for him putting 16k levels on it when he grows to its size)

i sent him an 84k ros he will use it until 100k

he sent me a 17k one he had out grown to put on a farm to replace

it will prob be free as i wasnt using it just dont tell him that lol)

The Death Company [...] October 13 2006 4:47 PM EDT

done and dusted ros's returned
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