Umm...anyone see anything wrong here? (in General)

[SIBT]Gardiner Amarth October 9 2006 7:30 PM EDT

This is exceedingly weird. Did I miss something?

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] October 9 2006 7:31 PM EDT

Yes, Jon had to reboot the server from this morning and gave everyone 500+ BA to make up for bought BA through the day.

[SIBT]Gardiner Amarth October 9 2006 7:32 PM EDT

Right....I just saw that. Thanks, dude.

Sir Leon [Soup Ream] October 9 2006 10:06 PM EDT

I must say, Thanks for a behind the scenes look at your character.

Doesn't look to bad. ;-)

[SIBT]Gardiner Amarth October 9 2006 10:32 PM EDT

I'm getting there, dude. It's taken me long enough, right?
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