Leodagraunce/Unclekracker deal (in Public Record)

Silatt October 9 2006 10:06 PM EDT

I am selling A Trollskin Armor [22] (+30) NW 703,669 to unclekracker for the price of 900k cb2$. Please confirm here Unclekracker and I'll send it over.

UncleKracker October 9 2006 10:07 PM EDT

Confirmed, sending money.

Silatt October 9 2006 10:18 PM EDT

I am selling unclekracker A Morgul-Hammer [84x50] (+11) NW 458,716 for 1.4m cb2$. Please confirm.

UncleKracker October 9 2006 10:20 PM EDT

Confirmed, money sent.
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