CB Fantasy Football League (Cont'd #2) (in Contests)

Mem October 10 2006 9:58 PM EDT

Just a reminder that Josh, Mikel, and Valiek have only 19 days left to have their 2 mil CB2 in. Now that doesn't mean that if you think you don't have a chance to win that you just won't pay. That's not the reason I let you all have a chance to pay by Week 8 (Oct. 29, 2006; before the first game's kick off at 1 pm). When you agreed to play, you agreed to pay. If you don't then Admin actions will be taken against you, and I sure don't want to have to do that. Also, if you're late, by even one minute, you will lose your privilege to win any prizes. And in the event that you place in the top three while losing your privilege to obtain that money I will retain the right to use that money towards another CB contest of my choosing. I hope that I don't have to use any of this against any of you, but it's just not fair to everyone that has paid already for you to skip out.

And, Lukey, you still owe me 2 mil! (Yeah, you have a while before you have to get it to me, but it'd be nice if I didn't have to wait the whole 9 months and some odd weeks to get it...)

Let me also remind you all to check out the latest Commissioner's note that I posted. From now and on, if you aren't paying attention to your lineup I will replace those players on bye weeks for you, but there are some stipulations that you should be aware of, so go read!

Good luck with the rest of the season!
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