Rental page improvement? (in General)

Shadowsparkle [Jago] October 13 2006 4:05 AM EDT

With my first cup of coffee an idea popped up when I was browsing rentals.

How about if you could open and close every section, like body armor or amulets, the same way its used to be for the sidebar.

Or add an option at the top of the page like
[] show amulets
[] show body armor

I don't know if the first one is easy or possible to make at all.
I think it would be a nice improvement, but maybe others think different.

Anyone like it or think its unnecessary?
Should I drink more coffee before I'm going to post ideas like this?

bartjan October 13 2006 4:18 AM EDT

New theme layout should be (almost) capable of doing that.
As an alternative, you could ask Verifex if he could add it to his Greasemonkey script...

Thrasher October 13 2006 9:38 AM EDT

Yeah that's a nice idea.
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