Looking For a Clan? Click here! (in General)

Hyrule Castle [Defy] October 19 2006 3:47 PM EDT

I am going to try something new here people. I don't know if its just me or not, but I am looking for a clan.

I have made this thread so that other people who are looking for a clan can come here, and say what they can "bring to the table" I will try and update this thread, but it is to try and get rid of all the "clan recruiting" Forums.

I hope that by making a thread this way, anyone and everyone who is looking for a clan can just come here, and scouts from other clans and "enlist" people from this thread.

You should post what you can offer, and your score so people know how big you are and what you can do.

Anyone else who has ideas, or tips for this thread is welcome to help.

Ill start it off.

Following People Looking for a clan:

Hyrule Castle (Faytal)-I am a good player, I can bring about 2k points a day I don't get attacked much as im a NCB. I hope that I can help whoever needs me in their clan. I have about 33k Score and Climbing. Get me while im hot!

Hyrule Castle [Defy] October 21 2006 1:52 PM EDT

I have found a clan now, but i will still help out those who need a clan. Post here :D
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