KaneandAbel//deifeln deal (in Public Record)

deifeln October 19 2006 8:09 PM EDT

K&A is paying me 972k is insta his Compound bow to mine. He will send 272k with his smaller compound bow and will owe me 700k, to be paid off at least 200k weekly.

I am sending my comp now. Please send yours and 272k downpayment as soon as you logon.

CM form K&A
This is my offer: -- Insta: A Compound Bow [5x465] (+30) NW: 4,871 mil A Compound Bow [5x400] (+52) NW: 6.715 mil -- difference: 1,944 * 50% = 972k CB$ -- pay plan: down payment 272k CB$ -- Collateral: A Lesser Rune of Solitude lvl 90,805 NW: 1,496 mil (239k at the shop, or keep it for 400k CB$) -- 700k CB$ (or 300k CB$ if you want to keep the lRoS) -- at least 200k CB$ weekly -- Greetings K&A

deifeln October 24 2006 6:06 PM EDT

K&A hasn't logged on in days :o(

He still owes me 972k plus his smaller compound bow.

deifeln November 1 2006 5:08 PM EST

Still hasn't logged on and CMs are now being sent back. I am resending them in hopes he logs on.
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