This is why I love the brain... (in Off-topic)

AdminNightStrike November 2 2006 2:08 AM EST

AdminG Beee November 2 2006 9:07 AM EST

That's one of those articles that give you a nice feeling inside and leave you happy for the next few hours... Kinda like a warm jam donut but better.

AdminQBVerifex November 2 2006 3:06 PM EST

I love Scott Adams, I've been a regular reader of his blog, and he never fails to entertain me. I think it was horrible that he was afflicted with that disorder. Thank god for computers, as he could still put forth himself on the computer. And it's even better that he has gotten significantly better. Woohoo! :)

QBsutekh137 November 2 2006 5:08 PM EST

Wow, that is amazing! At my last job, the boss's wife (she came in to work) had this condition, though it seemed milder. Her voice would just get stringy and soft on the phone, sounded funny. I wonder if she knows about this? Huzzah!
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