Iron Shot? (in General)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] November 3 2006 3:34 AM EST

Is this being camped as well as Ex Shots, or are they just not spawning enough to cover SoD demands?

QBJohnnywas November 3 2006 3:37 AM EST

We're a greedy bunch in the church of SoD. They spawn quite often - I've seen them! - but then people buy a great pile of them.

It's also possible that people think buying them in bulk will force more, and ex shots, to spawn, like it used to back in CB1.....

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] November 3 2006 3:39 AM EST

Don't buy the SoD-ing rounded pebbles though, do they... >_<

QBJohnnywas November 3 2006 3:42 AM EST

No. I just looked through the store purchases records for the past twenty four hours and a few people have bought iron shot in bulk, even though they're not using it on any of their chars. So I guess people think it will cause the better shot to spawn.

But didn't that change in CB2..spawn rates are connected to fighting now aren't they?

QBOddBird November 3 2006 8:31 AM EST

If there is low ammo in the store, from my experience, it seems like it causes it to spawn. But that could be coincidence. Or Jon fulfilling his prophecy....

"<Jonathan> don't get too cocky, BBQ, your time will come :)"


Brakke Bres [Ow man] November 3 2006 9:30 AM EST

Another fact. Did you know that the central bank has 10% of all the SoD's in the game?
Maybe central bank is hogging the iron shots :P

Kong Ming November 3 2006 9:31 AM EST

Well, you can always cm me to check whether I've got exp shots. I get them every now and then in stores :p
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