Mitt selling AxBow to krodel63 (in Public Record)

[P]Mitt November 10 2006 11:38 AM EST

I, Mitt, am selling An Assassin's Crossbow [4x223] (+51) 4,801,895 to krodel63 for 2.5M + transfers ($23,959)

He his paying 300k up front and the rest no later than January 10 (2 months). I will keep the AxBow until he pays in full, then I will transfer it over to his character.

He says he can make about 1M a week, so making the deadline should not be a problem.

Krodel63 November 10 2006 11:40 AM EST

Confirmed sending 300k now

[P]Mitt December 5 2006 12:01 AM EST

Krodel63 [t] (Pugad Baboy) Mitt [t] (Mitt) $250000 -- bow payment December 4 2006 11:26 PM EST

1.95M Remaining
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