KingElfstone / Sir_Leon Loan (in Public Record)

Sir Leon [Soup Ream] November 15 2006 9:19 PM EST

I'm loaning KingElfstone 2 mil to be paid back no later than a month and a half. Interest rate is 5% to be compounded weekly.

The money is to go towards the purchase of a AofAC.

There will be no collateral, However, if the money isn't paid back within the allotted time he will either offer me one of his Corns or be reset, in addition to me keeping all payments made.( I do not expect it to go this far but this is stated to ensure my investment )

Please confirm and hammer out any further details I may have left out.

KingElfstone November 16 2006 12:00 PM EST

I agree to the deal.

Sir Leon [Soup Ream] November 16 2006 3:45 PM EST

Sir Leon [t] (Odysseus) KingElfstone [t] (Aragorn) $2000000 -- Loan 3:43 PM EST

Amount due: 2,100,000

Next Interest day: November 23, 2006.

Sir Leon [Soup Ream] November 17 2006 3:39 PM EST

KingElfstone [t] (Aragorn) Sir Leon [t] (Mishras Factory) $1300000 -- Did not need it all! November 16 2006 10:28 PM EST

Amount remaining: 800,000

Next Interest day: November 23, 2006.

KingElfstone November 20 2006 10:16 PM EST

500,000 paid today 11/20.

Sir Leon [Soup Ream] November 21 2006 7:24 AM EST

Amount remaining: 300,000

Sir Leon [Soup Ream] November 22 2006 4:28 PM EST

KingElfstone [t] (Aragorn) Sir Leon [t] (Odysseus) $300000 -- Final Payment! 4:27 PM EST

Deal Concluded. Awsome job on the payments!

KingElfstone November 22 2006 4:28 PM EST

Paid 300k on 11/22 to finish paying off the loan.
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