AncientAnubis deal with Morthak (in Public Record)

Ancient Anubis November 16 2006 5:20 AM EST

Morthak if he agrees here will pay me 500k intially for pair of elven gloves +7 with a further 700k in a weeks time.

Morthak November 16 2006 8:24 AM EST

Agreed, though I'm paying 700k initially, 500k remaining.

Morthak (Norse Might) Ancient Anubis (Macros the Black) $700000 -- EGs 8:23 AM EST

Ancient Anubis November 17 2006 12:09 AM EST

accepted and the gloves have been sent

Morthak November 17 2006 10:52 PM EST

Final payment completed:

Morthak (Norse Might) Ancient Anubis (Macros the Black) $500000 -- Final Pmt
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