Zach/Chuck1234 Deal (in Public Record)

48Zach November 18 2006 4:54 PM EST

I, Zach, will pay a down payment of 2mil and will owe 500k to Chuck for his pair of Alatar Gloves (+12). I have two weeks to pay this off.

I will send the money, once the AG's are received.

Estimated Time to complete debt: 4 days

chuck1234 November 19 2006 3:36 AM EST

Confirmed, sent the AGs.

chuck1234 [t] (Starun) Zach [t] (X Tarsajuma X) A Pair of Alatar's Gloves ($1470643) 3:34 AM EST

48Zach November 19 2006 10:38 AM EST

Zach [t] ([Bank]) chuck1234 [t] (Starun) $2000000 -- for Ag's 10:37 AM EST

300k left to make

48Zach November 21 2006 10:09 PM EST

Zach [t] (X Tarsajuma X) chuck1234 [t] (Starun) $500000 10:08 PM EST

done :D
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