Shooto/Gfbasenut1 Tattoo Deal (in Public Record)

Shooto November 21 2006 12:26 PM EST

I will be instadowning my ToA for his ToE with a difference of $5739082. The rate will be 45% minus half of the 200k it takes to reink with the total coming to $2382587. Also, the transfer fees both ways will be split respectively. There will be no interest until the 3rd week at which it will be 3% a week. The actual balance will be recorded once the tattoos are transfered. Waiting for confirmation.

Gfbasenut1 November 21 2006 12:31 PM EST


Shooto November 27 2006 10:20 AM EST

Both ToA sent. Difference in NW= 4907166. At 45% = 2208225. The Interest will start on 12/11 at 10:15 server time.

Gfbasenut1 November 27 2006 10:22 AM EST

sent and agreed
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