Renting RoE from deifeln (in Public Record)

QuesoConQueso November 21 2006 1:03 PM EST

I will be renting deifeln's RoE long term. He is doing a permanent transfer of it to me and I am paying him 120k upfront for a four week rental period. Each week after that is 30k, payable at the beginning of the week. Sending the 120k now.

deifeln November 21 2006 3:35 PM EST

deifeln (Home) QuesoConQueso (Character Flaw) A Rune of Enlightenment ($11030) -- 4 week loan 3:33 PM EST

Sent. Again, please do not lend this to anybody and please return when you are done. After one month, you will owe 30k per week of rental.

deifeln December 11 2006 3:36 AM EST

Just a reminder that your four week rental is up a week from this Tuesday.
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