Update of my theme.. (in Off-topic)

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] November 24 2006 5:16 AM EST

As some of you might or might know, my first theme I attempted was a recoloration of the Battletech theme so it would be black and white. Well, today I was bored and I'm glad to announce I've made it better. I've redone the header/sub-header images so everything fits together. Also, it was a little boring with just black, white, and gray, so I added in a splash of color (which matches my character picture and user picture from graphics of one of Muse's tracks, or whatever) which makes it a little more interesting.

To use it, go to Settings, then under Supporter Preferences, paste the url "http://home.comcast.net/~jimidao/" into the Custom text line, without the quotes and click Set Supporter Preferences. The only thing about this theme is that it's not official, so if you want to use it, you have to set it as your theme after every cache flush. Tell me what you think and how I can make it better.
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