Throwing out some Slayer Arrows (in General)

Hyrule Castle [Defy] November 30 2006 3:45 PM EST

I will be selling some base Slayer arrows to store. Lets see who gets them eh?

Hyrule Castle [Defy] November 30 2006 3:49 PM EST

QBSefton (Sefton) buy 2,286 Slayer Arrows ($2286) 3:46 PM EST
Hyrule Castle (Storage For Fayt) sell 2,286 Slayer Arrows ($2286) 3:45 PM EST

Sefton with the grab. Way to go!

QBJohn Birk [Black Cheetah Bazaar] November 30 2006 4:04 PM EST

Thank you :)

Random luck, must be all my good karma ;)
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