ax/Hatchetman deal (in Public Record)

TheHatchetman December 2 2006 11:17 AM EST

just noticed the similarity of our names...

I'm selling him my compound bow for 300k, currently A Compound Bow [5x56] (+16) $658,659. It is in rentals at the moment. He will re-rent it until i get it back. At which point, I will send him the bow, and he will send me 300k. I will refund any rental costs he may incur by renting the bow. Should he decide to upgrade the bow while it is in his posession through rentals, he may do so. Either way, it is going to cost him 300k.
I'm basically making this PR so that he can feel comfortable with treating the item like his own. That way, he doesn't have to worry about upping the net worth, only to have me jack up the price.


ax December 2 2006 11:26 AM EST

I confirm the deal :

I want to upgrade the bow now (at my cost) then i will rent it again the last period (because the hatchetman can't get it back before to sell it now).

When he will have the bow back he will sell it to me for 300K fixed price.

TheHatchetman December 6 2006 1:36 PM EST

This deal has been canceled as per ax's request. He is not somebody that will cancel deals tho, he just found a better offer. He had full intention of going along with this as planned if I had not allowed him to cancel. After i said it was alright, he offered me money for my inconvenience. But, seeing as he has already upped my bow to A Compound Bow [5x67] (+16) $754,360, I chose to decline that offer as well. ax, as soon as you confirm this, you are no longer under any obligation to buy my bow. Confirm?

ax December 6 2006 1:42 PM EST

I confirm.

I thanks a lot hatchetman who's been nice and understanding (he could have choose to make me buy it but didn't)

Tx Again
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