Banned ParticleMan from chat (in Public Record)

bartjan December 4 2006 1:15 AM EST

For all the obvious reasons.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 4 2006 1:26 AM EST

Particle Man Particle Man, he does things a particle can
spends his life, swearing in chat, particle man...

QBsutekh137 December 4 2006 8:54 AM EST

When he's in chat, does he get banned, or does the chat get him instead?

Caedmon [Revenge of the Forgers] December 4 2006 9:57 AM EST

Apparently this makes bartjan Triangle Man.

QBsutekh137 December 4 2006 10:05 AM EST

Doesn't matter, Universe Man can take all of them. I guess that would be Jonathan?

QBBarzooMonkey December 4 2006 10:19 AM EST

You have to hand it to novice and Sut - they might be giants.

AdminG Beee December 4 2006 10:50 AM EST

novice and Sut, as "The Two Jons"?
Has "nerd rock" ever had a better definition...
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