Hey guys. I thought I'd go ahead and post that my system is going crazy. Every time I tried to raise the max bid on the ExBow, +5 version from auctioneer, that I would get a Server Error, I'll try to reproduce it so I can give step by step of it. Also, if you look at that auction, you'll notice a serious time difference in the posts. At the time of my posting this, it is 7:03 AM PST. But yet my bids are nearly at 10 and there is a registered bid by another at 7:47 AM. I don't know whats going on.
The time difference is because the server in on EST which is 3 hours ahead of PST.
On that same note, I've discovered that, at least from my end, clicking on ANYTHING besides the Fight option gets me to the same Server Error Page. I can't really do anything but click the button anymore.
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