little comic relief (in Off-topic)

[CB1]cheez-its December 7 2006 1:35 PM EST

<Silvarian> So, whats better with an ExBow? Slayers or Seekers?
<[CB1]cheez-its> ...
<[CB1]cheez-its> u cant figure that out
<[CB1]cheez-its> what does a exbow target?
<Silvarian> I say Slayers but I've been told otherwise so I should ask someone with experience shouldn't I?
<[CB1]cheez-its> if its drains strengh do u want to hit a mage?
<gandalf> lol.
<Silvarian> Good point.
<Silvarian> Okay... So, Seeker hunting it is.
<[CB1]cheez-its> nooo slayer
<gandalf> silvirian do you type before you think...?
<gandalf> lol.
<[CB1]cheez-its> seeker targets mages lol
<gandalf> so you want slayers =D

rough morning for silvarian
<[CB1]cheez-its> seeker targets mages lol
<gandalf> so you want slayers =D
<Silvarian> Oh. So I had it backwards... *grumbles* Where are my postit notes.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 7 2006 3:46 PM EST


Sil is a hoot...
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