krasko/lans deal (in Public Record)

krasko December 8 2006 11:39 AM EST

I am instanting my corn to his.The stats of mine are +8 not named 1863000 NW.The stats of his is +10 named a bit more than 6 mil NW.We have both agreed for the sum of 3.2mil.The sum will be transfered from Pixel Sage when he gets online.We are going to swap the corns now.

If anything happens to Pixel and he is not able to send the money in a week i will return the corn ,he will return mine and i will pay all his transfer fee's +200k.

Lans December 8 2006 11:41 AM EST

Lans (Lans) krasko (Good Guy) Natalie's Chapeau ($6107385) 11:40 AM EST
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