One day forger needed (as much as you can forge) (in Services)

velvetpickle December 15 2006 4:34 PM EST

I need a forger to do some work on A Mithril Shield [20] (+29) NW $407,774. The plusses are pretty quick on this. Lowest price gets the job, but I want a minimum of 4-5 points.

I will loan the item midnight on Sunday Morning (sat night) for 24hrs. You will have all day Sunday to add as many points as you can. If you want the item for an extra few hours after Sunday midnight to keep going, I can loan it until Monday morning.

velvetpickle December 22 2006 4:46 PM EST

Still looking for this job. If you have a loaner shield, you can take it for longer, I want about 700k done on this in total.
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