Forger wanted - paying up to 75% (in Services)

noneedforthese December 16 2006 10:09 PM EST

Need my:

A Sling of Death [5x11] (+5) NW $98,824

Forged as much as possible for exactly one week, about 5 days on X and 2 days on +.

Will pay 75% if you can add 1.5 million NW during this time, and if it's anything below that, I will pay 70% :D

STRICTLY first come first served!
p.s. I can put down about 500k as initial payment to help with forging cost, and will continue to top up as necessary!

noneedforthese December 17 2006 2:49 PM EST

Upping the ante: I will have 80% for 1.5mil, and 75% for 1 mil. Anything else is 70%.

noneedforthese December 17 2006 4:39 PM EST

Whopper HIYW is forging for me, at 75% whoopie!
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