Looking for someone to forge for 1 week about $2M (in Services)

Yukk December 17 2006 6:57 PM EST

I'm looking for about $2M forging or as close as possible to be
done before next Sunday.
If you can forge $2M in 2 days, that's fine too, but that's the deadline.

CM me with offers. I will be checking messages during most
reasonable hours.

Yukk December 18 2006 8:34 PM EST

Abhorsen has taken on the job.
Rate is 70%, for approximately. +20 and the rest in x to begin with.

Bow transferred starting at x100 +20, NW $1093952

Yukk (Reda Luu) Abhorsen ({cb1}I Love You) loan An Elven Long Bow ($1093952) 8:32 PM EST

Flames Fame December 18 2006 8:36 PM EST

Payments will be deferred if neccessary for you.

Yukk December 24 2006 8:16 PM EST

Yukk (Reda Luu) Abhorsen ({cb1}I Love You) $400000 -- December 21 2006 7:17 PM EST

$400k already paid. Will settle up the balance at the end of forging.

Here I go again. My name is not legal so I can't post. I'm wasting words here bulking out my post to make it go through. I'm definitely
going to make a feature request on a fix for this.

Miandrital December 24 2006 8:25 PM EST

"If the spell checker is mistaken, don't panic -- as long as the fraction of mis-spelled words is less than 0.15, you'll be fine. Hints:

* English capitalization is important: "Monday" is correct, but "monday" is not.
* A note about names: CB users are recognized if you uniquely identify them in at least 4 letters. So, 'val' is not recognized as 'Valgasu', but 'valg' is. However, if there is also a user named 'Valgrind', you would have to type more.
* If all else fails, use <nospellcheck> tags to 'opt out' part of your post from spellcheck. (Choose HTML mode and simply write <nospellcheck>...my text...</nospellcheck>.)
* Ignoring this advice and simply padding your post with extra words to get above the 0.15 threshold without an exceptionally good reason will result in a fine. "

AdminG Beee December 24 2006 8:30 PM EST

Yukk wurkks for me.

Yukk December 25 2006 2:23 PM EST

Yukk is fine because it's a player name. Reda Luu is not fine and it's
two strikes. Looks like I have to post my xfers in HTML now and use
the tag.
I just wanted to be able to post plain text.

Oops, I missed the bit about being fined for padding.
Hmm, even with nospellcheck tags I'm getting flagged.
This thread is closed to new posts. However, you are welcome to reference it from a new thread; link this with the html <a href="/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=001yon">Looking for someone to forge for 1 week about $2M</a>