A different WoW question. (in Off-topic)

The Cornerback23 December 19 2006 10:26 PM EST

I have also been thinking about getting WoW but my question is do you have to buy WoW and then get Burning Crusade as an expansion pack or can you buy just Burning Crusade without having to buy WoW.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] December 19 2006 10:29 PM EST

If it is an Expansion pack, the title says it all really, an expansion of the original.
I'm pretty sure you will have to gain the original, I don't really know about WoW specifically as I think it is a poor game but my advice is look on the case, it'll tell you.

The Cornerback23 December 19 2006 10:34 PM EST

Ok thanks.
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