Barzoo's Mad Czech Botness - The Extension! (in Contests)

QBBarzooMonkey December 25 2006 10:09 AM EST

Merry Christmas everyone!

Today was supposed to be PayDay, but do to a flurry of Chrstmas and Channuka celebrations and preparations, I've been unable to get to a computer in the last few days to do the last 8 rounds. I will be doing them this week instead.

Therefore, PayDay will be January 1, New Year's Day!!!

Enjoy the Holiday madness, everyone!!!


QBBarzooMonkey January 4 2007 12:46 PM EST

Oops, I did it again... :P

Too much holidays, too much work, too much madness. But now I'm back on track! PayDay will be this coming Tuesday, January 9th!!!

On with the madness!!!

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