Mrs Beee and krasko (in Public Record)

krasko December 25 2006 5:01 PM EST

Tattoo instant deal.I am sending her my 30 mil NW tattoo (avoid is currently upgrading it and as soon as he gets online he will send the tat to Mrs Bee).I am sending her 1 mil now and pixel will send her 4 milions later(as soon as he gets online).Mrs Bee should send the tattoo to AvoidCXT highest char.

Mrs Beee December 25 2006 5:05 PM EST

Mrs Beee (mummy_beee) AvoidCXT (Nascence) The Neutron Pulsar ($45799937) -- for insta 5:04 PM EST


krasko December 25 2006 5:06 PM EST

krasko (Good Guy) Mrs Beee (mummy_beee) $1000000 5:06 PM EST 1 mil send.4mil and the tat left.

krasko December 25 2006 6:11 PM EST

QBPixel Sage (Bank of Carnage) Mrs Beee (mummy_beee) $4000000 -- For krasko only my tat left to be sent
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