eva and Mrs Beee deal (in Public Record)

Fate December 28 2006 12:07 PM EST

Mrs Beee will be instaing up my AG + 11 to +12 at NW difference is $660,951 then at a 70% insta = $465k

Mrs Beee December 28 2006 4:25 PM EST

Been a bit of a mix up at my end and the deal I had to insta down my +13's to +12's didn't actually happen.

So right now I have +13's to insta and not the +12's we discussed in CM. I've sent you another CM and am happy to proceed however you wish. Just let me know. Thanks and sorry.

Fate December 29 2006 3:43 PM EST

new deal my AG +11 for her +13 for a total of 1303309

Mrs Beee December 29 2006 5:07 PM EST

Mrs Beee (mummy_beee) Evangelion (KasteR) Gloves of Power ($2671562) -- for insta 5:06 PM EST


Fate December 29 2006 5:31 PM EST

cash and item sent thanks
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