Ortiz VS Liddell (in Off-topic)

Slashundhack [We Forge Our Own Stuff] December 29 2006 4:21 AM EST

Thoughts ? Anyone care one way or the other?Its soon, this Saturday or the next.

Slashundhack [We Forge Our Own Stuff] December 29 2006 11:00 AM EST

Wow no fight fans at all? Oh and by the way my wound is healing nicely.

Miandrital December 29 2006 12:04 PM EST

liddell all the way

GO PATS December 29 2006 12:07 PM EST

I'm hoping for Tito to take this one so they can have a rubber match sometime in the future... I'd like to see a good fight, one way or the other, but I just like Tito's style more... Chuck tends to just counterpunch the whole time... he's real good at it, but you know... puncher's chance... Tito on the other hand is a cardio freak and is much more well rounded... if he can get Chuck on the ground, he can probably finish it.


Slashundhack [We Forge Our Own Stuff] December 29 2006 7:03 PM EST

So what no one brings up the thumb in the eye?

GO PATS December 29 2006 9:55 PM EST

Yeah well, I try to stay away from the subject.. Randy losing his belt to Vitor Belfort was the saddest thing I've ever seen... Randy is my man, and Vitor was actually proud that he won... ::sigh:: A tiny piece of his glove clipped Randy's eyelid during a whiffed punch which ended up in the clinch where Randy rules.

GO PATS December 30 2006 9:49 PM EST

This fight is either going to be exactly like Randy/Chuck I, or Randy/Chuck II... That's what I think... I'm hoping for the first option, to make for a more exciting fight.

Shooto December 30 2006 10:01 PM EST

WAR Tito! If you post results here, can you do it in a new thread with Spoiler in the title. I'm at work until after the fight and I'm gonna order the 12:00 one. Also, lets go Ravishing Red over Mike Bisping. Hes a local guy and his bjj is very impressive.
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