Forger looking for work (in Services)

Kong Ming January 1 2007 10:54 PM EST

I just got myself a 1million mpr character so I need money to equip it nicely.

Will charge 70 to 75% of nw increase depending on the item. Not so keen on working on those tough to forge items but you can always try. I'll have to take a 10% upfront as deposit and should be about to forge at least 1 million per week.

So cm me if you have something you wanna forge.

Kong Ming January 3 2007 9:17 AM EST

I'll be forging Talion's adam from +36 to +50.

Current nw of adam: $370,837 (+36)
Target nw of adam: $986,570 (+50)

I'll charge 70% for this job.

Kong Ming January 3 2007 9:18 AM EST

Just to add, I received a downpayment of 61.5k for the above job.

Kong Ming January 5 2007 11:30 PM EST

Job completed. An Adamantite Cuirass [40] (+50) $986,570.
Please pay 369500 to Ruins.

Kong Ming January 6 2007 10:39 AM EST

Looking for a new job.
Book me now and I'll charge you only 68% rate (Not valid for tough to forge items)

Kong Ming January 6 2007 8:58 PM EST

Not looking for a job anymore.
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