Typo in weapon naming? (in General)

TheHatchetman January 6 2007 11:10 AM EST

Naming a weapon increases to-hit enchantment by 3% -- rounding up -- and damage enchantment by 150, so a named base Blacksword of Nan Elmoth would be equivalent to [92x151] (+1);
But then it says:

one that was already x100 +100 would become [92x251] (+104).

wouldn't it be [92x250] (+104)?

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] January 6 2007 11:48 AM EST

It would also be 103 if you think about it, 3% of 100 doesn't need any rounding.
I'm guessing it means if one has already been upgraded by x100 +100 and not to it?

bartjan January 6 2007 11:52 AM EST

A weapon upgraded to +100 is the same as one upgraded by +100.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] January 6 2007 12:40 PM EST

I know bart, I wasn't paying much attention when typing and was concentrating too much on the x aspect.

velvetpickle January 6 2007 12:41 PM EST

just a gentle prod from the prodder....

A weapon upgraded by 100 would be +101 as weapons start at +1


bartjan January 6 2007 1:59 PM EST

Prod the store keeper then, as he's selling dozens of +0 weapons ;)
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