kevinLeong // NS (in Public Record)

kevinLeong January 9 2007 3:28 PM EST

Borrowing 15 mil from NightStrike, using an RoS lvl 285k (roughly NW 6 mil) and named DBs +73 (roughly NW 8 mil) as collateral.

DBs will be rented back through Rentals for the maximum period continuously.

NS is to be paid back 20 mil at the end of 6 months, and an extra 2 mil every month thereafter.

If possible (though it seems it isn't) if I am gone for a prolonged period of time (2 weeks+) and the loan hasn't been paid off, I agree to allow an admin to transfer my items over to NS before resetting my account (if he can convince them to). I don't plan on this happening, but then again, who plans on dying soon anyway?

Confirm here, afterwhich DBs and the RoS will be sent.

kevinLeong January 11 2007 1:42 AM EST

kevinLeong (--kevinLeong--) NightStrike (Loans) Illidans Megaton Heel ($7028945) 1:42 AM EST
kevinLeong (--kevinLeong--) NightStrike (Loans) A Rune of Solitude ($5891093) 1:42 AM EST
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